Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Back to School: Week 1 Tips For Getting Used To The New Schedule

Hello Everybody,

If you have children that are of school age, then you know how stressful it can be trying to get everything ready for them to go back to school.  Getting used to the new schedules, making sure the kiddos are up and ready and ON TIME, have had breakfast and are happy when they leave the house.  Once you wrap your mind around all that craziness, think about how you felt when it was your FIRST TIME doing all of these things.   Yeah....all those memories are flooding back all at once....You're welcome for that!!!!! 

Let me just say that I feel for you all because I am going through the same exact experience at this current moment.  My son just started his first year in school this year and don't get me wrong, I am excited for him and glad that he is really liking it, but getting used to everything mentioned in the previous paragraph is complete HELL.  The biggest adjustment in our household, at least for myself, is the whole getting up super early.  When I say super early I mean 6am.  That may not seem so early for some of you, but I work nights at a hospital and for me, that's like graveyard hours. 

In the past few days, I have learned that in order for everything to run smoothly, you have to plan ahead.  By that I mean, get school clothes ready the night before, put the book bag in a place where you won't run out the door and forget it, have multiple alarms set so no one oversleeps, and last but not least, STAY CALM!!!  If you are running a little late, don't freak out, because in my experience, freaking out leads to other mishaps and it just ruins the whole day.  I'm not saying you CAN'T get anxious, but it really doesn't help the situation at all.  If you know you are going to get your child to school a little late, call the office and let them know.  Trust me, they understand.  The first week of school is hard for everyone, so they won't throw the book at you and make you feel like the worst parent in the world.  Remember that the first week is always crazy and hectic and filled with chaos and just because it's like this now, doesn't mean that it will be like this forever.  You will have little morning setbacks, but just hang in there, you will get used to everything in no time at all.


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