Hello Everyone,
If you live in, or are ever visiting the city of Cleveland, Ohio, you know how expensive things can get.
What if I told you there were a lot of things you could do here for FREE? That's right.....FREE! I know, I know...You can thank me later.
Cleveland can get a bit overwhelming whether you live here or you are just visiting and sometimes you just need to take it easy and have a little fun, but you don't always want to break the bank to do it. Not to worry, I have done some research and found a few things that will keep you busy if you are looking to keep the kids busy during the summer, or if you are on vacation and want something entertaining to do while learning about our little nook in Northeast Ohio.
1. Cleveland Museum of Art
Completely free. visit their website at www.clevelandart.org
2. Free Mondays at the Cleveland Zoo
Sorry folks, this one is only free for residents of cleveland. www.clemetzoo.com
3. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Learning Center and Money Museum
That's right....The money museum is FREE! How Ironic. www.clevelandfed.org
4. Rockefeller Park Greenhouse
If you like anything having to do with horticulture, this is the place to go.
5. Go to the Beach
Northeast Ohio is home to a few beautiful beaches along the coast of Lake Erie. What better way to enjoy your summer than spending it at the beach?
6. International Women's Air and Space Museum, Burke Lakefront Airport
Visit their website at www.iwasm.org
7. Preston's H.O.P.E at the Mandel Jewish Community Center
Located at 26001 S. Woodland Road in Beachwood. This is a dreamland for kids. visit the website at www.prestonshope.com
8. Stearns Homestead
Located in Parma, this farm sits on about 40 acres of land and is home to an abundance of animals and fun. www.stearnshomestead.com
9. Cleveland Police Museum
10. Tremont Art Walk
11. NASA Glenn Research Center Tour
Call 216.433.9653.
12. Rocky River Nature Center
Thanks for reading. Let me know if I left anything out.
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