Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hello Everybody,

So we started giving our youngest son who is just about four months old, baby food.  He seems to really love it and despite what some people say, I think that it's okay to give your baby food as long as their little tummies can handle it.  Some people will argue with you until they're blue in the face but really it's how your baby is and what is best for him/her.  We actually gave him cereal and applesauce around two months old and he just absolutely loves it.  I know this is a controversial topic and some may not agree with what we did for our son, but I believe that every child is different and parents just have to do what is best for their kids and stop listening to all the "expert advise" from everyone and their brother.  As long as your child is healthy and safe, you have nothing to worry about in my opinion.  Don't get me wrong though, I do appreciate others' advise and opinions but at the same time, I am going to listen to that advise and still do what myself and my husband thinks is best for our children.

With all this being said, I would love your feedback and opinions about this topic.  Nothing negative please, this is a place for positive thoughts!


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