Thursday, June 4, 2015

Happy Girl

OK so this blog post might not be as helpful or interesting as my other ones but let me just take a little time out from that just to have a little celebration that FINALLY after about a month long wait, my brand new laptop came in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  I was the happiest girl in the world when the FedEx man pulled up in front of our house with my new toy!!!  It was like Christmas morning for me!!!!  I have been waiting so long and it finally made it to me!!!!

I called the company a few times and they told me that because I ordered a Dell computer, they get made to order (which I had never heard of in my life) but that's why it took so long for it to get to me!!!!  needless to say, it was a long wait but it was well worth it!   I absolutely love this computer!!!  It's the Dell inspiron 14 laptop with and i5 core processor and has a terabyte in it!!!  BEAST MODE!!!  Anyways, I am super happy to have it in and this is my first blog post on it so happy all around here!!!!

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