Friday, August 28, 2015

What my blog means to me

Hello Everybody,

Writing is something I have always had a passion for but never thought in a million years I could actually do.  I never thought I had the courage to write and let people read my inner thoughts.  I always felt so insecure with my writing, that I just didn't do it at all.

When I was on maternity leave after having my second son, I realized that I needed a hobby and I needed one fast.  I sat one day and mulled over in my head, things that I could do for fun and only one thing came to mind....BLOGGING.  I had always wanted to start a blog, but never could muster up the courage to actually do it.

Finally, I just went for it.  I didn't have anything to lose, only things to gain.  I have gained a lot of confidence and satisfaction from my blog.  I love it.  It is a way for me to decompress after a long day and get out some of the things that I have on my mind on a daily basis.  It is literally one of the BEST things I have ever done!

My advise for anyone who wants to start a blog or anything, and you feel scared or insecure to do it, just go for long as it makes you happy and you are able to feel good about it, then forget about what the haters are going to say.

Doing something like blogging and putting yourself out there for people to criticize is really a brave thing to do.  It takes a lot of guts and hard work to do so don't focus on the negativity, just do what makes you happy!


1 comment:

  1. Lovely post :) it was the same with me, I had only really blogged on tumblr but I didn't share it with anyone but now I've found the courage to express my self through Little Katie and yep, just like you and so many others, best thing i ever did! Keep it up girl!
    Take care x
    Little Katie
