Tuesday, May 26, 2015

You are a GREAT MOM!

OK, so have any of you ever had one of those days where you just feel like everything you are doing as a mother is wrong?  You just feel like you're failing at everything.  You just think to yourself, "my kids deserve better"  or the worst thing of all is that you compare yourself to other mothers.  I am here to tell you that that is the worst thing you could possibly do to yourself.  Not every mom is going to discipline their child the way you do, or let them eat cookies for breakfast (I'm guilty of this one) or let them stay up late on a week night.  Every mother is different just like every child is different, so don't beat yourself up about the way you are comfortable doing things because you are doing the best you can for your child or children.

If you are having days where you just want to give up....Don't.....take a deep breath and a long look at the precious face of your child and remember this....YOU ARE AMAZING AND THAT LITTLE BUNDLE OF JOY LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!  Not every day is going to be perfect.  There will be days when all you do is lie around and get nothing done and that is perfectly normal and it's OK.  You don't always have to have a spotless kitchen, or living room, because lets face it, if you have kids, you will never have a clean living room again.  Toys, diapers, bottles and more toys will be covering where you once could see an actual floor.  You might be like me and have dishes in your sink but you are too tired to put them in the dishwasher and that's okay.  If you feel like leaving them until later, you do it.  It's hard being a mother and guess what, moms need a break every now and again.  Do not judge yourself because you don't have that sparkling clean house like Susie up the street who doesn't have any tots running around. She doesn't know what it's like to love and care for a child so of course she is going to have all the time in the world to clean up everyday.  She doesn't have to worry about spills, or stains in the carpet from chocolate milk, or those awful little Lego's (that kill when you step on them but you don't have the heart to toss them because your child loves them so much) lying around and that's OK too.  All I'm saying is cut yourself some slack, you are doing your best and as long as your child is happy and healthy and well taken care of, then you don't have anything to worry about.  PERIOD, THE END!

So, with all that being said, go and relax in a hot bubble bath and give yourself an at home facial and just kick back and watch some TV.  Have a glass of wine and forget about your troubles, because guess what momma, you deserve it!!!!!!


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